AEC Certification

About Us

Who we are?

AEC is a globally trusted certification organization offering a range of certifications including Lean Six Sigma, Agile & Scrum, Data Science, Quality Management, Business Communication, Power BI, Tableau, IQA, CHQE, CQME, CQSE, CQITE, and others. Our services include Exam and Certification, Accreditation, and Accredited Training Providers. We have a global presence, operating in 50 countries, and collaborating with over 1000 professionals working with member firms and partners worldwide. Our certification exams are available to individuals, training providers, institutes, and corporations. At AEC, we follow stringent guidelines to assess participants’ skills, industry practices, and standards to ensure they meet the required certification standards.

AEC Certifications

AEC is a globally recognized certification that can help advance your career. Its credibility enables you to work in accordance with industry standards and enhance your career prospects. After successfully passing the exam, candidates will receive AEC certification that remains valid for a lifetime and does not require renewal. The certification will be provided in the form of a softcopy (PDF) that contains a Certificate Code, a Verification Link, and the date and time of certification issuance.

Vision and Mission

Core Values

Why choose AEC?

AEC provides certification in over 30 courses worldwide and has earned the trust of more than 100 organizations for training and certification. With over 150,000 certifications issued globally, AEC offers training and certification services worldwide, including in the US, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Australia.

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