AEC Certification

Exam Guidelines

AEC Exam

Your journey starts with the AEC exam

You can take your AEC exam both at the test center or online ( this gives you the convenience and flexibility to prepare and plan your testing strategy).
Do your best wherever you test. Some of you might feel more at ease when you give your test at home and some of you might prefer the structure at a test center. Anexas offers both options. To register for the exam click below

AEC Exam Norms

AEC aims to provide a standard testing procedure for professionals all around the world. We have established terms and conditions including testing policies and procedures, to enhance the test environment and retain the standard of our certifications.

Given below are the guidelines you need to know before registering for any of the AEC exams.

These rules are followed strictly to maintain the standard of Anexas Certifications. We at Anexas follow these guidelines strictly and expect our test takers to follow them with utmost respect. Failing to follow these rules will lead to termination of the test and in extreme cases the professional will be disbarred from taking any of Anexas certifications.

Register Yourself For The Exam

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